Admissions open for PGDPC - XXXI (2025-27). Click here to Apply

Applications invited for the XXXth Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Communication. Click here to Apply

The Guide Leads


Dear Reader,


Welcome to DSC. Founded in 1995, this institution has been Building Young India through an integrated perspective to life in one’s thoughts and feelings. DSC is a unique institution. It pieces together a constructive juxtaposition of one’s needs and desires with one’s abilities. Mere graded examination and intelligence is insufficient until it is synergised with a blend of human sensitivity and connectivities in the social system. By reorienting the academics to break out of the norm, DSC has not only outshined peers but it has also created a niche for itself that commands respect.


At DSC we strive to unleash, and channelize the creative energy in each individual in an attempt to tap one’s hidden potential. Any of our students can testify our strong belief in the student-teacher nexus which is the strongest anchor of this Gurukul. Knowing each student by their name, batch and background, the committed DSC faculty provides upto 1200 hrs of intense counseling per student.


Your DSC journey begins with making the familiar – unfamiliar, and in this process real learning gains momentum. It consolidates multiple & complex formats to simpler forms making it easier to understand the whole, from a new perspective.


Prof. Ramola Kumar


Delhi School of Communication
Delhi School of Communication