The Public Relations (PR) & Journalism specialization was incorporated into the DSC course since its inception over 28 years ago. Here again, the DSC alumni have made their mark in the industry and are today leading various departments and organisations. DSC is one of the oldest Public relations institutes in India
The module aims to familiarize students with key PR and Journalism concepts and their applicability in real-time situations.
The specialization includes all the key areas of PR be it the agency structure, its various departments and functioning, PR functions, tools and techniques of PR, managing PR in crisis and strategic PR thinking and planning. The course also covers Media monitoring and press relations in great detail. Journalism delves deep into the history of journalism, the press functions, its various departments and their functioning, editing and editorial work and various types of reporting. In- field work is given to students to cover various beats of news reporting – making it a real-time experience. There is a lot of practice on the written word and exercises are intense, detailed and of various kinds. A lot of written work is done through presentations and report writing, in various subjects in the program, to make the learning integrative and iterative.
The specialization involves analysis of numerous case studies, workshops, intense presentations, framing PR strategy. Under journalism students plan to create a magazine involving the advertising and marketing of the same. This leads to better concept understanding and its applicability. Experts from the industry are invited to take specific areas and enable students to meet future challenges effectively.
Theory without practice is redundant. The DSC PR courses in Delhi ensures that each semester ends with work experience through intense internships. At DSC a new concept of half day work along with classes has been integrated since inception making the theory practice interface stronger & relevant.
This work experience adds value in various ways. A working knowledge of the industry at the outset. But also soft skills, professionalism, self confidence, networking are some of the other take-away.
Upon completion of the specialisation, students may obtain placements with leading PR and press organisations across their various departments. Be it press relations, media monitoring, PR strategy framing, reporting, editing or production of news and its dissemination. The specialisation will see students opting for any and all positions. While most students obtain employment in the world’s leading PR agencies and press organisations such as Perfect Relations, Genesis Burson Marstellar, Ogilvy PR, Edelman, Mid-Day, Dainik Jagran, NDTV and so on. Some of them choose to be independent writers or take up digital journalism or PR consultancy.
Editorial and Editing
Managing the press
Reporting and News Writing
Magazines and Features
Broadcast Journalism
Public Relations
Media Marketing & Laws
…among others
Editorial and Editing
Managing the press
Reporting and News Writing
Magazines and Features
Broadcast Journalism
Public Relations
Media Marketing & Laws
…among others
The Public Relations (PR) & Journalism specialization was incorporated into the DSC course since its inception over 18 years now. Here again, the DSC alumni have made their mark in the industry and are today leading various departments and organisations. DSC is one of the oldest Public relations institutes in India
The module aims to familiarize students with key PR and Journalism concepts and their applicability in real-time situations.
The specialization includes all the key areas of PR be it the agency structure, its various departments and functioning, PR functions, tools and techniques of PR, managing PR in crisis and strategic PR thinking and planning. The course also covers Media monitoring and press relations in great detail. Journalism delves deep into the history of journalism, the press functions, its various departments and their functioning, editing and editorial work and various types of reporting. In- field work is given to students to cover various beats of news reporting – making it a real-time experience. There is a lot of practice on the written word and exercises are intense, detailed and of various kinds. A lot of written work is done through presentations and report writing, in various subjects in the program, to make the learning integrative and iterative.
The specialization involves analysis of numerous case studies, workshops, intense presentations, framing PR strategy. Under journalism students plan to create a magazine involving the advertising and marketing of the same. This leads to better concept understanding and its applicability. Experts from the industry are invited to take specific areas and enable students to meet future challenges effectively.
Theory without practice is redundant. The DSC PR courses in Delhi ensures that each semester ends with work experience through intense internships. At DSC a new concept of half day work along with classes has been integrated since inception making the theory practice interface stronger & relevant.
This work experience adds value in various ways. A working knowledge of the industry at the outset. But also soft skills, professionalism, self confidence, networking are some of the other take-away.
Upon completion of the specialisation, students may obtain placements with leading PR and press organisations across their various departments. Be it press relations, media monitoring, PR strategy framing, reporting, editing or production of news and its dissemination. The specialisation will see students opting for any and all positions. While most students obtain employment in the world’s leading PR agencies and press organisations such as Perfect Relations, Genesis Burson Marstellar, Ogilvy PR, Edelman, Mid-Day, Dainik Jagran, NDTV and so on. Some of them choose to be independent writers or take up digital journalism or PR consultancy.
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